I am working with ros2 foxy. I have a topic which publishes point cloud. When I try doing `ros2 launch octomap_server octomap_mapping.launch.xml` , I get the following error.
Hello, I am having an error when trying to install this package during the compilation step after running "makepkg"
[albi@archlaptop] ➜ ros-noetic-octomap (! master) makepkg
==> Making packag…
I got this error, while trying to build octomap_sever2, Any solution please let me know. I am using forxy on ubuntu 20.04 and so the pcl version is 1.10, but I saw on cmakelist that pcl 1.7 is require…
Having remapped the **/cloud_in** topic to **/rgbdslam/batch_clouds** and setting the **_frame_id:=/map** and **_base_frame_id:=/openni_rgb_optical_frame** parameters when running octomap_serv…
I try to add a new color profile for Octomap in movit_rviz plugin.
I edit octomap_render.cpp, my new profile works but I Have a problem with the Alpha value.
I can not reduce the opacity of th…
As I am trying to use different resolutions, there appears to be a problem with resolutions other than 0.05.
For example, if resolution is set to 0.1, then the octomap in MoveIt is twice as small th…
Hi @matlabbe ,
First of all, let me say thank you, my last issue about libpointmatcher issue is solved right now.
Currently, I'm trying to see different things to make a 2d map. I saw rtabmap/o…
Hi all!
I have problems finding the description of the octomap binary decoding. I am working on octomap reconstruction in Unity using the ROS# framework. Currently I am decoding the octomap binary …
When I uncomment"#define COLOR_OCTOMAP_SERVER" in OctomapServer.h at the folder of octomap_mapping/octomap_server/include/octomap_server, the octomapping and octomap_rviz_plugins is uncompiled. what i…
I'm pretty new to ros environment and i'm trying to vizualize a map in rviz with pepper robot.
First i start my launch file :