We should consider how to improve on AMCL by replacing, refactoring, or reconsidering algorithms given the state of the art. NDT is another method and a paper https://www.researchgate.net/publication/…
Hope your reply ,please
Firstly,in the pdf you provide,you said the modified launch files are included in the ORB SLAM root as amcl_demo.launch,but I cann't find it.How can I solved this problem?
It seems that amcl is still having issues with dropping scan messages when security is enabled. That, or the tf lookup is having to look into the future for transforms between scan and baselink:
I got errors from the compiler saying that the AMCL include files could not be found.
I built and installed the AMCL, but there were no amcl/big_256_28.h files anywhere on my system... but they were …
I [posted in the forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ros-sig-navigation/fVGMJ7p32iE) about this already, and I was recommended to file an issue here.
I have implemented several fast ray …
Hey folks,
I have written a new service for AMCL called 'setParticles' similar to the Global Localization service. This service accepts a PoseArray msg and initializes the particle filter to this se…
This theoretically will interfere with the ability of the robot to follow paths and a well followed path should be pretty smooth. Try disabling it.
Still useful for make a map though.
I'm having trouble with the navigation stack. When I make a waypoint, my robot starts jerking around; no smooth movement. Today the robot fell over because of this. Any idea on what could cause this? …
$ roslaunch navigation_stage move_base_amcl_2.5cm.launch
RLException: [move_base_amcl_2.5cm.launcha] is neither a launch file in package [navigation_stage] nor is [navigation_stage] a launch fil…
## Description
Beam skipping is a heuristic implemented in the [likelihood_field_model_prob](https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/blob/85fd06f20413e348059205a84ecb50765fc8f0c7/nav2_amcl/src/…