function doEvaluate(bussId){
art.dialog.open("?bussId="+bussId, {
title: '评价',
width :500,
lock : true,
opacity : 0.…
Thank you for sharing such useful code. I am currently operating a Go2 EDU system, and the Jetson NX in the expansion dock is set up with Foxy and Noetic. The README assumes Humble is being …
can I use ouster1 lidar?
Dear @TixiaoShan ,
Thanks for sharing your project.
I have successfully run your code and was able to get a lidar map. Currently, I'm using lidar point cloud data (Hesai Pandar64) and imu data (pw…
I'm a freshman of 3D SLAM, now I only have a RS-LiDAR-16.
It publish `pointcloud2` message in ROS.
I wonder which part of code can modify to satisfied this sensor?
Hi All,
I am trying to get the ros2 branch of the HesaiLidar_General _ROS to compile with ros2 Humble. currently I am getting the following issue.
Hi, I tried your method with my data collected using Hesai PandarXT(32 line) and an external IMU. The data is synchronized, but the calibration result is wrong (The ground truth should be (-0.12, 0, 0…
Great work and thanks for sharing!
Do you have a publication for this project?
function doEvaluate(bussId){
art.dialog.open("?bussId="+bussId, {
title: '评价',
width :500,
lock : true,
opacity : 0.…
function doEvaluate(bussId){
art.dialog.open("?bussId="+bussId, {
title: '评价',
width :500,
lock : true,
opacity : 0.…