I am working with ubuntu 22.04 installed on a Raspberry PI 4 with ros2 humble.
I cloned the package into my workspace and when i tried to colcon build the package it fails at 36% and crashes…
I'm a bit confused by the many issues and discussions regarding the ROS2 port.
Is there currently a way to use `pcl_ros/point_cloud.hpp` with ros2?
It seems to be only half ported as there a…
I am trying to build this package in ubuntu 22.04 with ROS2 Humble. I get the following error log when I run colcon build.
There is a file "realsense_d400.launch.py" in this repository to run one camera (it works perfectly).
Although, Does exists a similar file but to run two cameras at the same time with ros2?
Curious about the status of this project. I think the ROS community would be much benefited by the cross-platform version of joystick driver.
It was reported by @ana-GT that the transform between world/rviz and body is not showing up in Rviz when running:
ros2 launch astrobee sim.launch.p dds:=false rviz:=true
Launch files can be written in Python, but also in xml, see also this tutorial: https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Tutorials/Launch-files-migration-guide/
The syntax changed though :(
This package exposes several ROS services that require some dependencies to fulfill the requests. They are listed below, separated in categories [ROS1 package and module used in brackets]:
- Services…
I am trying to run TB3 adapter according to the README. I run simulation environment and attached two terminals to the development container. In one I am running the following commands:
Display 3D model similar to the ROS1 version and display it in Rviz2 / Foxglove.
ROS1 link: