Hi, @devendrachaplot . Thanks for sharing this great work. From the paper, I know that Frontier-based exploration was also implemented. I'm sorry that I did not find this part in the provided code. It…
Need to rewrite frontier_exploration in plugin form:
- plugins to explore_server for different search algorithms
- plugins to frontier_exploration for different goal filters
Boundary costmap layer sh…
When the ase_exploration fails the frontier exploration doesnt start automatically there is some issue with the launch files
What parameter must we change to avoid no frontiers found and exploration stopping abruptly? If I move the robot a bit with joystick and then 'ros2 topic pub -1 /explore/resume std_msgs/msg/…
I would like to use the RRT exploration on ROS noetic, but my mobile robot is not moving anymore. Before I started with noetic I used ROS melodic and evertyhing was great. Is there another issue besid…
I have been playing with your code. Thank you for making it available. It works well in my simulation (living room type) except issue #3, but I have noticed three issues so far in the physic…
I test the dsv_planner for simulating in a Labyrinth environment(18.7✖37.2), the robot just runs four meters (initialization)and stops, returning back to home.
I encountered an issue where the code exits unexpectedly before the exploration is completed. I suspect this might be due to the absence of frontier in the local area around the drone. Howe…
Tasks to do:
* Determine frontier edges in the current fov
* Determine the rotation needed to point towards each of the frontier edges
* Sort the frontier edges relative to the rotational differenc…
This issue was considered closed:
But its not working. The catkin_make triggers this error all the time. Any idea on how to fix the import error of those .h generated for the messages? Becuase I t…