On Ubuntu 18.04, with ROS Dashing built from sources , and trying to compile TurtleBot3 Packages, I get the following compile/link error;
Would appreciate a solution to this;
Starting >>> …
I am trying to do RL on an iCub, so there is a need for resetting the world. The first episode worked fine. The robot arm end effector moved from its initial position to another position say (xt…
I am trying to use this package, and I was following your wiki page on creating a new vehicle and launching it with UUV_Simulator here: https://github.com/uuvsimulator/uuv_simulator/wiki/Tem…
The `gazebo_ros_api_plugin` is quite large and offers a lot of functionality all at once. While porting it to ROS 2, it would be nice to take the opportunity to also break that plugin into smaller one…
## Participants
@martinaxgloria @Nicogene @traversaro @pattacini
## Discussion
### MVP
- [x] Cartesian control of `one arm`.
- [x] Cartesian control of `one arm + torso` (to…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://scpeters-test.github.io/gh-pages_sdformat_fast_export/#!/osrf/sdformat/issues/93)) by sylvainjoyeux (Bitbucket: [sylvainjoyeux](https://bitbucket.org/%7B115…
They started as dirty duplicate code, need to consolidate and deprecate one of them.
Is it possible to instantiate multiple Kobuki models so as to have a single [tf](http://wiki.ros.org/tf) tree organized by model names? Organization could be based on prefixes to frame IDs, as with `…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/1830)) by Steve Peters (Bitbucket: [Steven Peters](https://bitbucket.org/%7B2ccfed09-18b8-492…
I noticed that those files contained a `[VELOCITY_CONTROL]` group that will stop working in gazebo-yarp-plugins 4 once the `velocityControlImplementationType` parameter, introduced in gazebo-yarp-plug…