你好,Dr. He。我正在做一个基于point lio的应用的工作。我自己录制了几个mid360的数据集,静止3s以上,然后开始转动,在用imu模式或者不用imu (及input 和 output模式)点云都比较模糊或者崩溃。让身边的几个师弟运行也都是这样的结果,请问大概是什么原因?(我用fast lio运行,结果良好)假如方便,我可以发你一份我的数据。
This is a great package. Love it. Particularly since I could not get ROS working on my Mac.
But the current compiled binaries do not work with 2015a.
I wonder if you could recompile with the lat…
I am experiencing an issue where I am unable to view the map in Rviz after recording a rosbag using the command:
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_rviz.launch
I am running this command from…
Hi there,
I am testing the VINS-Fusion with stereo inertial config, the code run properly and the GUI (rivz) is showing the correct results, but it always suddenly goes into warning "numerical unst…
Thank you for your excellent work.
I downloaded the data set CamVox.bag you uploaded, but when I execute the following command:
`rosbag play CamVox.bag`
`[ INFO] [1622026026.629494531]: O…
Thank you so much for providing these datasets!
I was hoping to use the latest available rosbag for the market dataset but it seems to be missing the laser scans. Is there somewhere else …
I have downloaded the rosbag and have set the directory as MATLAB path.
However, when I run the example code it gives the error as shown in the title.
I also tried to move the files in the src folde…
Thanks for your excellent work. I encountered the following problems during the running. The process can be started normally, but it gets stuck in the initialization or cannot find enough matched feat…
when i test my dataset,there are no /vins_node/image_track,
and the pose is wrong
Hi, I'm stuck in another problem.
I tried to run Stereo node with kitti, so I run the command as follow:
`rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Stereo /home/johnson/ORB_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2-master/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /h…