我在运行的时候会显示/catkin_ws/src/FAST-LIO-COLOR-MAPPING/ doesn't exist之后播放数据包也没有显示,运行原版fastlio就不会报错,因为我是刚接触slam算法和Ubuntu,不太清楚是什么问题,不知可否为我解答,感谢:)
I know that you are not using IMU/GPS sensor for this loam_livox, can the result of loam_livox converted in las/laz file for RS/GIS analysis? Can the loam_livox rosbag be georeferenced 3D Point…
ns-1m updated
3 years ago
When I started build and run catkin_make in terminal, I met problem as following:
phdh4 updated
2 weeks ago
I have placed two Lidar in Gazebo by facing to same object
It giving some e…
Thank you for creating this repo. I am working on mapping KITTI360 with LIO-SAM in ROS2 humble.
For the extrinsic, I am using the KITTI extrinsic posted on readme.
![Screenshot from 2024-0…
Hi, I am trying to get some data from both Livox MID360 and Livox HAP on the same computer and I have a connection issue. I think this should be a simple IP related issue but the guidance from the tea…
Hello there,
I have tried to implement your library within CARLA and ROS, but I see that after following all the steps mentioned in the repo, the LIVOX LiDARs seem to return empty data:
` Outp…
[ 2%] Building CXX object sdk_core/CMakeFiles/livox_sdk_static.dir/src/third_party/FastCRC/FastCRCsw.cpp.o
[ 4%] Building CXX object sdk_core/CMakeFiles/livox_sdk_sta…
OCILY updated
4 years ago
作者,你好,我在自己采集的mid360数据集上建图,如果在开启回环检测的情况下会出现建图失败的问题。能否帮忙看下是什么问题,谢谢。我的数据集链接:[数据集](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OosvK7ChqnyAtDTJTP-DnA?pwd=r8dp 提取码: r8dp),建图时使用的配置:
lidar_topic: "…
I am trying to run rtabmap with zed2i camera and livox lidar but i got this error
[ WARN] [1729862098.568035980]: /rtabmap/rtabmap_viz: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input…