After executing the command, the following error appears.
command : roslaunch fast_lio_localization localization_ouster64.launch map:=/home/a/main_ws/fast_ws/src/FAST_LIO_LOCALIZATION/PCD/VECtor_sc…
pcd, norm = npz['pcd'], npz['norm']
from ILCC import pcd_corners_est
When the code above is run, the program stalls at
seg_co was segmented into 2045
twice_clustered_seg num=2045
> feature_extract_enable : 0
> poin…
when I am running on a long bag file and it finishes, the process continues forever , and then when I do ctrl+c the program it starts to save the result but sometimes it fails , should I wait until t…
您好,最近在利用fast livo调试HILTTI-2022的数据集,激光里程计已经可以成功运行,但是结合相机这块一直调试有问题,无法正常跟踪特征点,以下是我配置的参数表,麻烦郑博可以点拨一二,感谢!!!
feature_extract_enable : 0
point_filter_num : 1
max_iteration : 10
debug: 1
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched for [similar issues](https://github.com/isl-org/Open3D/issues).
- [X] For Python issues, I have tested with the [latest development wheel](https://www.open3d.or…
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched for [similar issues](https://github.com/isl-org/Open3D/issues).
- [X] For Python issues, I have tested with the [latest development wheel](https://www.open3d.org/d…
### Describe the issue
When generate point cloud from depth with function blenderproc.camera.pointcloud_from_depth(), the result point cloud has it value in blender world coordinate instead of the co…
Hi, I met this issue:
Could you please help a lot
Read 300 points
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sample_point_cloud.py", line 18, in
pcd_sampled = sample_pcd(pcd_orig, args.…