hello, In the Figure4 in your paper "OpenVSLAM", I find that the ORB-SLAM have a `27 ms/frame` speed. How to do it? Do you use the original configuration of ORB-SLAM for monocular? And what camera do…
I am using a GoPro with non-standard fisheye lens. So now I need to calibrate the camera to get better SLAM performance.
- Which process do you follow to calibrate the camera using OpenICC?
- And…
How do you make the 5-frame snippets from the output of ORB-SLAM full?
ORB-SLAM outputs only the Keyframe poses (monocular case) and therefore the creation of snippets is unclear.
Also i…
I'm trying to build the present fully-ROSified version of SD-SLAM but I'm having troubles when executing the build_ros.sh script. Any hints on how I should proceed?
Dear Professor @jdtardos .
Thank you very much for taking the initiative in open-sourcing your robust SLAM system.
For the past few months, I used ORB_SLAM2 as a starting base for a collaborativ…
In paper its mentioned, DROID SLAM trained on monocular data generalizes to stereo and as well as to RGBD.
But when I checked the training code specially with tartan data, looks we need depth …
I had successfully built ORB SLAM 2, and I want to run the Monocular example. I used the command:
`./Examples/Monocular/mono_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Monocular/TUM1.yaml /home/$USER/Downl…
./build/run_euroc_slam_with_line -v ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/gq/guoqian/data/V1_02_medium/mav0/ -c ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml
[2022-08-24 14:19:29.138] [I] config file loaded: ./exa…
Current RGB-IMU Fusion doesn't improve Monocular SLAM accuracy. It should be reviewed to extract more orientation information from IMU data.
when i run euroc-MH01 data as :./run_euroc_slam -v ../Structure-PLP-SLAM/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/robot/dataset/MH_01/mav0 -c /home/robot/lib/PLPSlam/Structure-PLP-SLAM/example/euroc/EuRoC_m…