Hi Tommy,
Thanks for sharing this work. I'm new to Docker, and although I suspect this issue might be related to network configuration or ethernet port setting, I'm not sure how to search for a sol…
`rostopic echo /joint_states` does show any message being published. Is this expected? I would need these joint states as `/tf` does not publish transforms of the legs.
## Expected operation for messages
### Terminal 1:
### Terminal 2:
rostopic pub -r 4 test_topic std_msgs/String "data: 'hello'"
### Terminal 3:
- [x] 2D object detection 데이터 만든기
- [x] 3D clustering + tracking 데이터 만들기
- [x] rostopic publisher 만들기
Currently stumbled upon this, I tried to send every built in message type in one message and those also in arrays. But it only works in rostopic when I remove the time and duration arrays from my mess…
dai@dai-virtual-machine:~/catkin_ws$ rostopic pub /desired_carteisan_pose_cmd geometry_msgs/Pose "position: x: -0.10 y: 0.30 z: 0.30 orientation: x: 0.707 y: -0.707 z: 0.0 w: 0.0"
Usage: rostopic pu…
I am a beginner, if you by pass, please take a look, many thanks!
I want to use FAST_LIO, but first I have to calibrate time.
lidar:livox mid-70
IMU:wit JY901B
I followed the readme to operate s…
When using gui to edit configuration page wrote to mower_config.txt line
export OM_GPS_PORT="/dev/gps"
and when openmower is rebooted GPS is lost .
Zero info on rostopic echo -c -w 5 /xbot_driver…
I am trying to run rtabmap with zed2i camera and livox lidar but i got this error
[ WARN] [1729862098.568035980]: /rtabmap/rtabmap_viz: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input…
rostopic pub time and header substitution does not work with yaml file messages. For example:
rostopic pub -s -r 10 /test sensor_msgs/Temperature -f msg.yaml
with ```msg.yaml``` as