cant build nodes for ROS2 Foxy to use with ORB_SLAM2.
did you build them from scratch or use docker image from https://github.com/alsora/ros2-ORB_SLAM2/tree/f890df18983ead8cd2ae36676036d535ee529…
Hi, I saw that both Slam and Navigation features are currently being worked on, will they be available in the next few weeks?
I believe this package is only compiling against ROS2 Galactic (or newer distributions) since it's using rclcpp::GenericSubscription which are only part of rosbag2_transport package (included in rosba…
Hello everyone,
I am currently running into a problem when trying to build rtabmap.
Has someone encountered the same issue or can help me solving it?
- linux
- cmake v3.27
- python38
- make
- scons
Hello and thank you for this project. I was wondering if it was possible to run this project on ROS Foxy, or if it's only possible starting from ROS Humble?
強化学習の入力に使用したり, コースアウト対策の情報として使用するなどの用途で必要となるため白線認識を行う.
ルールベースの白線認識は実装が単純であることや必要最低限の処理で済む点で優れているが, 日照条件などの環境の変化に弱いという欠点がある.
I have followed the steps on the github but i still get this error any ideas how to fix. Running ROS2 Foxy on the jetson nano. Ubuntu 20.04.
![Screenshot from 2023-12-07 14-38-29](https://github.com/…
I'm running into the following error when running `ros2 launch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch.py nao_ip:=`
Connecting to a real Nao6 robot.
On a fresh ROS2 foxy docker container…
one of the more popular gecko based android choices for privacy folks
if I go to ipleak.net with a simple socks5 configured in foxy proxy, i…