robovie@robovie:~/catkin_ws$ catkin b -c
catkin: command not found
robovie@robovie:~/catkin_ws/src$ cd naoqi_driver/
robovie@robovie:~/catkin_ws/src/naoqi_driver$ catkin bt
==> Ex…
pepper-interfaceやnao-interfaceで作られるインスタンスが扱うトピックに,group nameをつけたいと考えています.
Vou criar essa issue aqui pra gente ver isso depois de dar merge na PR #16.
Do jeito que tá agora, o script de controle com o teclado/joystick ficou pra só poder controlar no modo "diff drive", aí…
Where can I access the inverse kinematics code of the Nao robot's legs with the Python?
Hi! Thank you for this prefixes, but I've faced with error, while running `docker build --network host -f Dockerfile -t gentoo_emerge_xenial .` :
(sys-libs/libcap-2.33:0/0::gentoo, ebuild schedu…
When I execute the command:
`roslaunch gazebo_naoqi_control nao_gazebo.launch`
I can get the Nao model in gazebo. But when I run Choregraphe to simulate Nao walk, the model does not move. I am reall…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Is there any walkthrough to compile nao_virtual with the walking controller to noetic. All help is appreciated.
Um frame do CASIA B tem 320x240 pixels.
Nas sequências capturadas em ângulos oblíquos, a pessoa filmada ora está próxima, ora distante da câmera. Quando ela está distante, sua silhueta parece pixela…
Mình cần thử nghiệm chạy bot, có thể là trên Heroku hoặc 1 cái hosting nào khác. Phần việc này có 2 thứ cần làm:
1. Viết đoạn code khởi tạo cho 1 con robot, bao gồm các hành vi giống như lần đầu tiên …
Hello Guys,
I have a NAO robot and i'm looking to expand his abilities regarding child-play.
I've seen your page but i can't really understand how to install your app :)
It doesn't look like yo…