I'm attempting to use the [obstacle_distance](https://github.com/mavlink/mavros/blob/master/mavros_extras/src/plugins/obstacle_distance.cpp) plugin to send distances from a 360degree RPLidar range fin…
It seems like we are not able to jump to definitions where the source codes are installed as libraries in the docker container. For example, jump to native python libraries.
I'm not sure how to mak…
If anyone made a sonar range sensor with linorobot2 , please share the code to avoid obstacles.
I am having trouble understanding the following error:
After I start apollo (using dev_start, dev_into and bootstrap.sh) I open dreamview and start the modules (localization, routing, guardi…
I am trying to run rtabmap with zed2i camera and livox lidar but i got this error
[ WARN] [1729862098.568035980]: /rtabmap/rtabmap_viz: Did not receive data since 5 seconds! Make sure the input…
It seems that I cannot toggle objects visibility programmatically anyhow. In this case, it would be a nice feature for interactive visualizations.
Today we use a 2D costmap of independent cells. While this is a good and cheap way of saving some relevant information, it will bound us for the foreseeable future to 2.5D land.
If we want to suppo…
_From [yk.at....@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/112435221821881092421/) on March 18, 2013 19:53:34_
_Original issue: http://code.goog…
This is an early attempt to define a set of C++ robotic constructs to encourage code reuse and interoperability among the various open-source robotic projects.
These can be implemented in the form …