Ubuntu 22.04, ROS humble, gazebo11
I recently switched from a RealSense Camera to the Oak-D S2 camera. I am now trying to update my robot_description package. In lieu of the few lines to include …
I'm trying to get the tiago robot working inside harmonic with ros 2 jazzy and I'm having the following problem:
[gz-1] [Err] [SystemLoader.cc:92] Failed to load system plugin [gz_r…
friday_code@JARVIS:~/Desktop/New Folder$ ros2 launch articubot_one launch_sim.launch.py world:=./src/articubot_one/worlds/obstacles.world
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/…
## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 24.04
* Source or binary build?
Source - ad225a2
## Description
* Expected behavior: When launching gazebo through the [gz_server.launch.py](https://github.…
In `robosense_description/urdf/example.urdf.xacro` line 36.
Which causes the sensor not correctly spawned.
I thought it should be like this:
# ToDo
- [x] mapping
- [x] navigation
- [x] navigation(ros2_control)
- [x] ros2_control
- https://github.com/ros-navigation/navigation2/blob/jazzy/nav2_bringup/launch/tb3_simulation_…
Morning, @qqianfeng. When I try to ``roslaunch panda_gazebo panda_hithand.launch``, I met this error:
unknown macro name: xacro:hithand
when processing file: /home/wjj/mdisk/ffhnet_ws/src/frank…
In the motor launch file, why is there a "V' symbol before the code in line 8?
Is the magni,urdf. just the same xacro file for ROS Noetic and does that work?
Will you update the xacro files for H1 and G1? It's currently missing in the repo.
I passed the data from the depth camera in the ignition gazebo into the moviet, but the octomap coordinates are not normal, but the point cloud and depth map are normal. May I ask where I wrote it wro…