Would you be interested in integrating a Gazebo plugin into your library that listens to ROS TF messages and sets the pose of a robot in Gazebo accordingly? This comes in handy when users want to use …
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/2226)) by David Rajaratnam (Bitbucket: [daveraja](https://bitbucket.org/%7Bfd1ab40d-0066-4f24…
$ catkin build
$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch turtlebot_checkerboard.launch
Hi, I'm new to ROS and need a little help. I'm trying to put Kimera-Multi working with a simulation in gazebo, instead of rosbag, and i was hoping for some guidance, does anyone have a suggestion for …
I am launching the default simulation of picking up a cube from the table, built in fetch_gazebo package. The robot simply goes to the prepare position and doesn't move at all. (Initially I was workin…
### Describe the bug
Install the lastest MAVROS and PX4-autopilot in Ubuntu 18.04 (python 2.7)
I placed the PX4-autopliot under root, instead of any worksapce.
When running `roslaunch px4 mavros_…
my question is:
When I run: `roslaunch vswarm vswarm_gazebo.launch n:=3` ,I get an error:
> [Err] [Model.cc:1108] Model[drone_1] is attempting to load a plugin, but detected an incorrect plugin…
I tried to answer [this question](https://answers.ros.org/question/297505/hrpsys-update-to-make-clear-command-for-nextage-work/?answer=298201), but I cannot find the way even in the simulation.
I b…
7675t updated
6 years ago
After running the launch file by roslaunch outdoor_waypoint_nav outdoor_waypoint_nav_sim.launch, I am getting the following error;
RLException: while processing /home/user/catkin_ws/src/waypoint_na…
**Describe the bug**
I'm trying to install the following package: https://github.com/foxglove/tutorials/tree/8b090204e9410c157b98c2fde6566be193ac6e1b/ros1/gazebo
when I am trying to run the followin…