I use the command `roslaunch livox_ros_driver lvx_to_rosbag.launch lvx_file_path:="~/Desktop/test.lvx"` to convert **test.lvx** to **test.bag**. But an error occured.
REQUIRED process [livox_lid…
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rosbag::BagIOException'
what(): Error opening file: ~/Desktop/***/lidardata/***.…
After executing the command "roslaunch livox_ros_driver2 rviz_MID360.launch", the terminal displays the error message "Storage point data failed, can not get index", and RViz shows the error "Fixed Fr…
After I correctly installed LIVOXSDK2 and build livox_ros_driver2. Then I run
`roslaunch livox_ros_driver2 msg_MID360.launch`
Then the ros process initiating shutdown.Here are the output:
Questions is on the last three rows. plz
roslaunch livox_ros_driver2 livox_lidar_msg_HAP.launch
... logging to /home/jmrd/.ros/log/728f89ee-3e12-11ed-b578-3cecef0…
I have connected the radar mid360 in the virtual machine, run rviz_mid360.launch, the initialization is successful, but there is no point cloud displayed in the rviz interface, frame is livox_frame,
I am using [livox_ros_driver2](https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_ros_driver2) to get lidar pointclouds from a Livox Mid360. I am getting a continuous stream of info messages coming from the livo…
Hey! Firstly, thanks for great paper and code!
I used this tool for intrinsics and extrinsics: https://github.com/hku-mars/LiDAR_IMU_Init
I need help on understanding how to implement those values f…
I tried to run this algorithm with **livox mid70** lidar. The error "_Large velocity, reset IMU preintegration!_" appeared, and the trajectory could be seen flying in _rviz_. The parameters related to…