Hi all,
I've been trying to create a collision map of the surroundings (with rtabmap) for a Universal Robot ur5 using a Microsoft Kinect v2 mounted to an elbow close to the end effector of the ro…
For the UR5, the freedrive mode can only be activated via the teach pendant (by holding the button).
@cheng-chi Thank you very much for your work. Currently, I want to reproduce the diffusion policy on the real ur5 robot, but I still have the following questions. Can you give me som…
After running the launch file by roslaunch outdoor_waypoint_nav outdoor_waypoint_nav_sim.launch, I am getting the following error;
RLException: while processing /home/user/catkin_ws/src/waypoint_na…
I have installed ros-melodic on a VM iwth Ubuntu 18.04 and built the universal_robot package from source as described in the repository https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot.
I alrea…
When launching this gazebo crashes (with real robot it works well):
``` sh
roslaunch sr_robot_launch sr_right_ur5arm_hand.launch robot_description:=$(rospack find sr_multi_description)/urdf/right_srh…
The appraoch is to use the already existing URoboSim Plugin which enables imports of SDF files within UE4 and migrate it to UE5
I use ROS2 Humble and Ubuntu 22.04
when I launch the command
ros2 launch ur5_ros2_gazebo ur5_simulation.launch.py
in Ur5
it appears some problems:
[INFO] [gzserver-1]: process sta…
I am running the start_here.py in a ROS Melodic enviroment using Python2.7 to generate all necessary files to use [relaxed_ik_core.](https://github.com/uwgraphics/relaxed_ik_core) I am using a mo…
HI Sir, how are you doing ? I guess you're super busy with teaching ROS. Can I please ask you a question about your book Mastering ROS? I am following chapter 3 and trying to add a 3D camera on a robo…