Thank you for such a great work, this is very useful for solving robotics problems quickly!
I checked your repository and saw that floating joints are not currently supported. I was wonderi…
I highly appreciate the repo's open-source availability to simulate quadrupeds. However, it looks like the repo is currently integrated with Gazebo. Have you given a thought of having the cont…
Hello jerredchen!
I'm using Unitree AlienGo but I think it's similar to A1,
so I want to try it on AlienGo.
How to use this package and What should I do on the robot side(for example launch the ca…
Hi, i'm going to do some simulation on aliengo+z1 and test some algorithms. Could you please upload the z1 model? Thanks.
I have seen in multiple videos the the AlienGo and A1 robots are capable of climbing stairs without (it seems) the need for vision feedback.
In boths this videos (https://www.youtube.com/wat…
When I try to load [unitree go1](https://github.com/unitreerobotics/unitree_ros/tree/master/robots/go1_description) in raisim, I find the trunk dae gets a wrong orientation like this:
Dear team,
recently I downloaded the Phobos from the master branch (which I think is the beta version of 2.0) and added it as an addon into blender v 3.3. I tried to import this [urdf](https://gith…
Step 56/81 : RUN git clone https://github.com/unitreerobotics/aliengo_sdk.git && cd ${SUPPORT_WS}/aliengo_sdk && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j12
---> Using cache…
I installed raisim on linux and executed raisimUnity. And then I connected raisim to example aliengo as auto connected, but there is same connection error when running on windows.
(cartPole runs co…
I'm using the raisim to show my urdf model on Ubuntu with raisimUnity.
The urdf was written by myself .
The Ros could show the model correctly while the RaisimUnity has no image.
This is the urd…